The Most Common Spiders in Colorado

The Most Common Spiders in Colorado

If you’re someone who freaks out at the sight of a spider, Colorado might not be the state for you. Spiders are relatively common in Colorado, with some of the more common types including black widows, brown recluse spiders, and hobo spiders. While not all spiders are dangerous to humans, it’s still important to be aware of the different types that live in our state. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the most common spiders in Colorado and what you should do if you see one in your home.

The Different Types of Spiders in Colorado

There are many different types of spiders that can be found in Colorado. Some of the more common ones include the black widow, brown recluse, and hobo spiders. Each type of spider has its own unique appearance and set of behaviors. Black widows, for example, are known for their distinctive black and red coloring. They are also considered to be one of the most dangerous types of spiders because their venom can be fatal to humans. Brown recluse spiders, on the other hand, are not considered to be as dangerous as black widows but their bites can still cause serious medical problems. Hobo spiders, while not as well-known as the other two types of spiders, can also be dangerous to humans if they bite them.

What to Do If You See a Spider in Your Home

Spiders can be downright terrifying, especially when you unexpectedly find one in your home. While most spiders are harmless, seeing one scuttle across your floor can still send shivers down your spine. If you do come across a spider in your home, there are a few things you can do to remove it safely. First, try to remain calm. Spiders are more likely to bite when they feel threatened, so it’s important to avoid startling them. If possible, gently catch the spider with a cup or piece of paper and release it outside. If you’re not comfortable getting close to the spider, you can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck it up. Finally, if you’re concerned about spiders invading your home, consider contacting a pest control company. They can help to identify entry points and take steps to keep spiders out for good.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your House

There are a few things you can do to help keep spiders out of your house in the first place. One is to seal up any cracks or openings around your home that might be letting them in. Another is to keep your house clean and free of clutter where spiders could hide. You should also regularly vacuum and dust to remove any spider webs or eggs that might be present.

Call a Professional

There are many different types of spiders in Colorado, but some are more common than others. The most common type of spider is the house spider, which can be found in almost every home in the state. Other common types of spiders include the wolf spider, the black widow spider, and the brown recluse spider. While most spiders are not dangerous to humans, it is important to be aware of their presence and take precautions to avoid being bitten. If you have a large number of spiders, it’s best to call a pest control professional for help. Bees Smart Pest Control can make a perimeter around your home to prevent pests from entering. If you want to stay cool and pest-free this summer, Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527.