Exploring the Fascinating World of Colorado’s Most Common Spiders

Exploring the Fascinating World of Colorado’s Most Common Spiders

Spiders are one of the most diverse and fascinating creatures on the planet. They are found in almost every part of the world and have adapted to various environments. Colorado is no exception. It is home to many species of spiders commonly found in the state. In this article, we will discuss the most common spiders in Colorado.

Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus spp.)

The Black Widow spider is one of the most well-known spiders in the world. It is found in almost every part of the United States, including Colorado. The female Black Widow spider is easily recognizable by its shiny black body with a red hourglass shape on its abdomen. The male Black Widow spider is smaller and has a brownish color.

Black Widow spiders are venomous and can cause severe symptoms, including muscle pain, cramps, and spasms. However, they are not aggressive and will only bite if threatened. Black Widow spiders prefer dark, dry places and are commonly found in garages, sheds, and woodpiles.

Wolf Spider (Lycosidae spp.)

Wolf spiders are one of the most common spiders in Colorado. They are large, hairy spiders that are often mistaken for tarantulas. Wolf spiders are not venomous and are not considered a threat to humans. They are active hunters and do not spin webs. They are often found in grassy areas and can be seen running across lawns and fields.

Jumping Spider (Salticidae spp.)

Jumping spiders are one of the smallest spiders in Colorado. They are known for their ability to leap long distances, up to 50 times their body length. Jumping spiders are not venomous and are not considered a threat to humans. They are active hunters and do not spin webs. They are often found on plants and flowers, where they hunt insects.

Crab Spider (Thomisidae spp.)

Crab spiders are named for their crab-like appearance. They have a flat, wide body and eight short legs. Crab spiders are not venomous and are not considered a threat to humans. They are active hunters and do not spin webs. Crab spiders are often found on flowers, blending in with the petals and waiting for insects to come close.

Orb Weaver Spider (Araneidae spp.)

Orb Weaver spiders are known for their intricate, circular webs. They are often found in gardens and wooded areas. Orb Weaver spiders are not venomous or considered a threat to humans. They are passive hunters and wait for insects to become trapped in their webs. Orb Weaver spiders are often seen in late summer and fall.

Cellar Spider (Pholcidae spp.)

Cellar spiders are commonly found in basements, crawl spaces, and other dark, damp areas. They are known for their long, thin legs and small body. Cellar spiders are not venomous and are not considered a threat to humans. They are passive hunters and wait for insects to become trapped in their webs.

American Grass Spider (Agelenopsis spp.)

American grass spiders are commonly found in Colorado and are known for their funnel-shaped webs. They are not considered a threat to humans and are not venomous. American grass spiders are active hunters and prefer to live in grassy areas. They can be identified by their light brown color and distinctive markings on their cephalothorax.


Colorado is home to many species of spiders, each with its unique characteristics and behaviors. While some spiders are venomous and can cause severe symptoms, most are not a threat to humans. Spiders play an essential role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations and providing food for other animals. If you encounter a spider, it is best to observe it from a distance and let it go about its business.

Are you in need of spider extermination services? Contact Bee Smart Pest Control! We offer many pest control programs to keep your home safe year-round, and Bee Smart Pest Control will help you get a personalized solution. Bee Smart Pest Control is a local business, so we understand the nuances of Colorado pest control and use chemicals that aren’t harmful to your family or pets. We pride ourselves on our safety and ability to relate to our customers on a personal level. Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527, to get a solution for your exact pest control problem today!