Signs You Have Mice In Your Home

Signs You Have Mice In Your Home

The cold season is on its way and with comes a plethora of pests trying to get in. Mice are one of the pests that are looking for a place to settle down this winter. Your home would make a great spot for them to stay warm and safe while the snow flies. Once mice get inside it’s hard to get them out. They can thrive in your home and live there for upwards of three years! Make sure to keep an eye out for signs you have mice in your home.

Droppings and Smell

One of the most obvious signs you have a mouse problem is spotting their droppings. Mouse scat looks like dark pieces of rice and will start to pile up the more mice you have. In your cabinets and quieter places, like attics or basements, you may find these droppings. It’s a surefire sign you have mice. Another major sign of mice is the smell of urine. Large infestations will start to spread the tell-tale sign of their presence, the smell of ammonia from their urine. If you’re finding mouse droppings or smell their urine, you have a mouse problem.

Sounds in the Night

Everyone has heard something go bump in the night. However, if you have mice you’ll be hearing things. Mice are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and stay awake at night. That leads to them scampering around when it starts to get late. You may hear scratching in the walls, floorboards, or cabinets. You may even hear them squeak! If you think you may have a mouse problem, listen around your house when it gets dark. It might just confirm it for you. You can put out flour in areas you think mice are traversing, and if you see little mouse tracks after a few days you’ll have verification.

Destruction to Your Property

If you’re noticing holes in new places, you may have mice in your home. Mice are always looking for food. They typically aim for dry food and will happily break into bags and cabinets to get it. Mice also have front teeth that never stop growing. This leads them to constantly gnaw on things to keep their teeth short. They’ll happily gnaw on wood, plastic, and even electrical wiring! The latter can be a severe fire hazard. Mice will also use their superior gnawing ability to bore holes through your walls so they can get around easier. If you notice any sort of teeth marks, you probably have a mouse problem.

Call a Professional

Mice tend to stay hidden, but you may find signs of them all over your house. They’ll damage your property, eat your food, and leave their droppings all over the place. If you think you might have mice, Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify where in your home mice are hiding, but come up with a personalized preventative solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want the peace of mind that being pest-free brings, we’d love to help you!